All properties in AFEO
Label | Id | Description |
interval in | intervalIn | [Si un intervalo propio T1 es un intervalo interior a otro intervalo propio T2, entonces el principio de T1 está después del principio de T2 o coincide con el principio de T2, y el final de T1 está antes que el final de T2, o coincide con el final de T2, excepto que el final de T1 puede no coincidir con el final de T2 si el principio de T1 coincide con el principio de T2., If a proper interval T1 is intervalIn another proper interval T2, then the beginning of T1 is after the beginning of T2 or is coincident with the beginning of T2, and the end of T1 is before the end of T2, or is coincident with the end of T2, except that end of T1 may not be coincident with the end of T2 if the beginning of T1 is coincident with the beginning of T2.] |
interval meets | intervalMeets | [If a proper interval T1 is intervalMeets another proper interval T2, then the end of T1 is coincident with the beginning of T2., Si un intervalo propio T1 se encuentra con otro intervalo propio T2, entonces el final de T1 coincide con el principio de T2.] |
interval met by | intervalMetBy | [If a proper interval T1 is intervalMetBy another proper interval T2, then the beginning of T1 is coincident with the end of T2., Si un intervalo propio T1 es 'intervalo encontrado por' otro intervalo propio T2, entonces el principio de T1 coincide con el final de T2.] |
interval overlapped by | intervalOverlappedBy | [Si un intervalo propio T1 es 'intervalo solapado por' otro intervalo propio T2, entonces el principio de T1 es posterior al principio de T2, y el principio de T1 es anterior al final de T2, y el final de T1 es posterior al final de T2., If a proper interval T1 is intervalOverlappedBy another proper interval T2, then the beginning of T1 is after the beginning of T2, the beginning of T1 is before the end of T2, and the end of T1 is after the end of T2.] |
interval overlaps | intervalOverlaps | [Si un intervalo propio T1 se solapa con otro intervalo propio T2, entonces el principio de T1 es anterior al principio de T2, el final de T1 es posterior al principio de T2, y el final de T1 es anterior al final de T2., If a proper interval T1 is intervalOverlaps another proper interval T2, then the beginning of T1 is before the beginning of T2, the end of T1 is after the beginning of T2, and the end of T1 is before the end of T2.] |
interval started by | intervalStartedBy | [If a proper interval T1 is intervalStarted another proper interval T2, then the beginning of T1 is coincident with the beginning of T2, and the end of T1 is after the end of T2., Si un intervalo propio T1 es empezado por otro intervalo propio T2, entonces el principio de T1 coincide con el principio de T2, y el final de T1 es posterior al final de T2.] |
interval starts | intervalStarts | [Si un intervalo propio T1 empieza otro intervalo propio T2, entonces del principio de T1 con el final de T2, y el final de T1 es anterior al final de T2., If a proper interval T1 is intervalStarts another proper interval T2, then the beginning of T1 is coincident with the beginning of T2, and the end of T1 is before the end of T2.] |
involved in | involvedIn | |
involves | involves | |
is Person In Charge of | isPersonOf | |
is input of | isInputOf | |
is input of directly | isInputOf_directly | |
is member | hasMember | |
is member of | isMemberOf | |
is observation method of | isObservationMethodOf | |
is observation result of | isObservationResultOf | |
is observed attribut of | isObservedAttributeOf | |
is observed object of | isObservedObjectOf | |
is organization of | isOrganizationOf | |
is output of | isOutputOf |