All terms in AFEO
Label | Id | Description |
Expert judgement result | ExpertJudgementResult | |
Observation result | ObservationResult | |
Time interval | Interval | [Una entidad temporal con una extensión o duración., A temporal entity with an extent or duration] |
Temporal entity | TemporalEntity | [Un intervalo temporal o un instante., A temporal interval or instant.] |
Single observation | SingleObservation | |
Observation | Observation | |
Red Wine Pressing | RedWinePressing | |
Pressing | Pressing | |
variety | Variety | |
Thing | Thing | |
Person in charge | Person | |
Packaging | Packaging | |
Post Operation | PostOperation | |
Month of year | MonthOfYear | [El mes del año., The month of the year] |
Date-Time description | DateTimeDescription | [Descripción de fecha y tiempo estructurada con valores separados para los diferentes elementos de un sistema calendario-reloj. El sistema de referencia temporal está fijado al calendario gregoriano, y el rango de las propiedades año, mes, día restringidas a los correspondientes tipos del XML Schema xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonth y xsd:gDay respectivamente., Description of date and time structured with separate values for the various elements of a calendar-clock system. The temporal reference system is fixed to Gregorian Calendar, and the range of year, month, day properties restricted to corresponding XML Schema types xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonth and xsd:gDay, respectively.] |
Multiple observation | MultipleObservations | |
repetition | Repetition | |
agricultural experiment | AgriExperiment | [represents experiments carried out by researchers] |
micro plot | MicroPlot | |
cultivated land | CultivatedLand |