All properties in AGROVOC
Label | Id | Description |
hiddenLabel | hiddenLabel | [A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations.] |
historyNote | historyNote | [A note about the past state/use/meaning of a concept.] |
inDataset | inDataset | |
inScheme | inScheme | [Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included.] |
includes | includes | |
includesSubprocess | includesSubprocess | |
indicates | indicates | |
influences | influences | |
isAGrowthEnvironmentFor | isAGrowthEnvironmentFor | |
isAbbreviationOf | isAbbreviationOf | |
isAchievedByMeansOf | isAchievedByMeansOf | |
isAcronymOf | isAcronymOf | |
isActedUponBy | isActedUponBy | |
isAffectedBy | isAffectedBy | |
isAfflictedBy | isAfflictedBy | |
isBeneficialFor | isBeneficialFor | |
isBiologicalControlAgentOf | isBiologicalControlAgentOf | |
isBreedingMethodOf | isBreedingMethodOf | |
isCausedBy | isCausedBy | |
isChemicalFormulaOf | isChemicalFormulaOf |