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A forceful emptying or throwing up of the stomach contents through the mouth. It can include the complete inability to hold fluids or food in the stomach.
Rejeter le contenu de l’estomac par la bouche. Il peut inclure l’incapacité complète de contenir des liquides ou des aliments dans l’estomac.
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Subclass of:
- abdominal and digestive system symptom
- isCausedBy some water deprivation = salt poisoning
- isCausedBy some aujeszky's disease (pseudorabies) (pig)
- isCausedBy some neonatal colibacillosis (pig)
- isCausedBy some mycotoxicosis (pig)
- isCausedBy some cryptosporidiosis (pig)
- isCausedBy some transmissible gastroenteritis (coronavirus) (pig)
- isCausedBy some gastric ulcer
- isCausedBy some hyostrongylosis (pig)
- isCausedBy some anthrax
- isCausedBy some anal atresia (pig)