porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (male pig)
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Maladie contagieuse, dite des oreilles bleues, due à un artérivirus et se traduisant par un syndrome respiratoire (pneumonie interstitielle) et/ou dysgénésique (infertilité, mortinatalité) des porcs.
Contagious disease, so-called “blue-ear disease” caused by an arterivirus and resuting in respiratory (interstitial pneumonia) and reproductive (infertility, stillbirth) syndrome in pigs.
Term info
porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (male pig)
Term relations
Subclass of:
- Horizontal transmission disease
- Vertical transmission disease
- arterivirus infection
- hasPathogen some arteriviridae
- hasSymptom some fever
- hasSymptom some pneumonia
- hasSymptom some dyspnea
- affects some male pig
- hasSymptom some sneezing
- hasSymptom some fertility problem
- hasSymptom some cough