depression disorder
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psychological disease associated to reduced activity, lack of interest or attention towards the envronment , and lack of perception or emotion (impassibility) listless and indifferent behaviour, commonly a reaction to persistant and insurmontable frustration (Hurnik et al, 1985 dictionnary of farm animal behaviour)
maladie psychologique associée à une activité réduite, à un manque d’intérêt ou d’attention envers l’environnement, et à un manque de perception et d’émotion (impassibilité) un comportement apathique et indifférent, généralement une réaction à une frustration persistante et insurmontable
Term info
depression disorder
- trouble dépressif
Term relations
Subclass of:
- cognitive disorder
- affects some growing horse
- affects some growing pig
- hasSymptom some prostration
- affects some tilapia
- affects some trout
- affects some growing rabbit
- affects some cattle
- affects some lactating rabbit
- affects some gestating rabbit
- affects some suckling cattle
- affects some horse
- affects some sheep
- affects some duck
- hasSymptom some apathy
- affects some post-weaning rabbit, weaning rabbit, weaned rabbit
- affects some lactating sow
- affects some goat
- affects some salmon
- affects some suckling pig, suckling piglet
- affects some seabass
- affects some pig, swine
- affects some post-weaning pig, weaning pig, weaner pig, post-weaning piglet, weaning piglet, weaned piglet
- affects some rabbit
- affects some suckling rabbit
- affects some gestating sow
- affects some carp
- affects some goose
- affects some turkey
- affects some chicken
- affects some quail
- affects some male pig
- affects some female cattle
- affects some sole
- affects some adult pig, pig
- affects some seabream
Related from:
- duck
- rabbit
- horse
- tilapia
- trout
- sheep
- goat
- cattle
- pig, swine
- salmon
- carp
- seabream
- sole
- seabass
- suckling rabbit
- adult pig, pig
- lactating rabbit
- gestating rabbit
- growing rabbit
- post-weaning rabbit, weaning rabbit, weaned rabbit
- male pig
- female cattle
- suckling cattle
- lactating sow
- goose
- growing horse
- turkey
- quail
- chicken
- gestating sow
- growing pig
- post-weaning pig, weaning pig, weaner pig, post-weaning piglet, weaning piglet, weaned piglet
- suckling pig, suckling piglet