actinobacillosis (pig)
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Maladie bactérienne contagieuse du porc, causée par Actinobacillus suis, qui peut provoquer une mort subite chez le porcelet, des symptomes respiratoires et septicémiques, et même des avortements chez les truies.
Contagious bacterial swine disease caused by Actinobacillus suis, which can provoque piglet sudden death, respiratory symptoms, sepsis, and even abortion.
Term info
actinobacillosis (pig)
- actinobacillose (porc)
Term relations
Subclass of:
- organism
- affects some growing horse
- affects some growing pig
- affects some growing rabbit
- affects some cattle
- affects some lactating rabbit
- hasSymptom some lameness
- hasSymptom some cough
- affects some gestating rabbit
- affects some suckling cattle
- affects some horse
- affects some sheep
- hasSymptom some sudden death
- affects some post-weaning rabbit, weaning rabbit, weaned rabbit
- affects some lactating sow
- affects some goat
- affects some suckling pig, suckling piglet
- affects some pig, swine
- affects some post-weaning pig, weaning pig, weaner pig, post-weaning piglet, weaning piglet, weaned piglet
- hasPathogen some Actinobacillus suis
- hasSymptom some abortion
- affects some rabbit
- hasSymptom some weakness
- affects some suckling rabbit
- affects some gestating sow
- hasSymptom some cyanosis
- hasSymptom some tremor
- hasSymptom some skin lesion
- hasSymptom some death
- hasSymptom some fever
- hasSymptom some dyspnea
- affects some male pig
- affects some female cattle
- hasSymptom some anorexia
- affects some adult pig, pig
- hasSymptom some septicemia, sepsis, blood poisoning
Related from:
- rabbit
- horse
- sheep
- goat
- cattle
- pig, swine
- suckling rabbit
- adult pig, pig
- lactating rabbit
- gestating rabbit
- growing rabbit
- post-weaning rabbit, weaning rabbit, weaned rabbit
- male pig
- female cattle
- suckling cattle
- lactating sow
- growing horse
- gestating sow
- growing pig
- post-weaning pig, weaning pig, weaner pig, post-weaning piglet, weaning piglet, weaned piglet
- suckling pig, suckling piglet