aujeszky's disease (pseudorabies) (pig)
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Maladie infectieuse, affectant de nombreux mammifères (surtout les porcins, les carnivores, et les herbivores), contagieuse seulement chez le porc, due à l'herpèsvirus porcin type 1.
Infectious disease, affecting many mammals (especially pigs, carnivores, and herbivores), contagious only in pigs, due to swine herpesvirus type 1.
Term info
aujeszky's disease (pseudorabies) (pig)
Term relations
Subclass of:
- herpesvirus infection
- affects some pig, swine
- hasSymptom some abortion
- hasPathogen some suid herpesvirus 1
- hasSymptom some Vomiting
- hasSymptom some pneumonia
- hasSymptom some cough
- hasSymptom some tremor
- hasSymptom some ataxia
- hasSymptom some death
- hasSymptom some weight loss
- hasSymptom some sudden death
- hasSymptom some apathy
- hasSymptom some fever
- hasSymptom some Stillbirth
- hasSymptom some dyspnea
- hasSymptom some sneezing
- hasSymptom some anorexia
- hasSymptom some ptyalism
- hasSymptom some meningitis
- hasSymptom some méningo-encéphalitis