All terms in AHOL
Label | Id | Description |
Bacterial disease | AHOL_0005012 | [Infectious disease caused by bacteria, Maladie infectieuse causée par des bactéries] |
skin disorder | AHOL_0005133 | |
Mycoplasma iowae infection (poultry) | AHOL_0005254 | |
infectious disease | AHOL_0005011 | [Disease caused by a pathogen (virus, bacterium, parasite, fungus, prion)., Maladie causée par un agent pathogène (virus, bactérie, parasite, champignon, prion).] |
Mycoplasma synoviae infection (poultry) | AHOL_0005253 | |
psychological disorder | AHOL_0005010 | [trouble caractérisé par un large éventail de dysfonctionnement affectant les processus cérébraux impliqués dans les réponses cognitives, émotionnelles et motivationnelles (comportement d’ingestion, comportements compulsifs et addictifs), disorder characterized by a wide range of dysfunction affecting brain processes involved in cognitive, emotional and motivational responses (ingestion, compulsive and addictive behaviours)] |
Mycoplasma meleagridis infection (poultry) | AHOL_0005252 | |
Tumor and cancer disease | AHOL_0005130 | [A disease caused by the transformation of cells that become abnormal and proliferate excessively, Maladie provoquée par la transformation de cellules qui deviennent anormales et prolifèrent de façon excessive] |
Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection (poultry) | AHOL_0005251 | |
genetic disease | AHOL_0005016 | [Disease resulting from a genetic variation of the genome, which may or may not be transmitted to offspring., Maladie consécutive à une variation génétique du génome de l'individu, pouvant être transmise ou non à la descendance.] |
developmental disorder | AHOL_0005137 | |
staphylococcosis (poultry) | AHOL_0005258 | |
Viral disease | AHOL_0005015 | [Infectious disease caused by a virus, Maladie infectieuse causée par un virus] |
cognitive disorder | AHOL_0005136 | [maladie psychologique associée à un trouble cognitif affectant les processus de perception, de mémorisation, d’apprentissage, , et la résolution de problèmes, psychological disease associated to cognitive disorder affecting processes of perception, memory, learning and problem solving] |
gangrenous dermatitis (poultry) | AHOL_0005257 | |
neurological disorder | AHOL_0005135 | |
avian botulism (poultry) | AHOL_0005256 | |
Enterococcus infection | AHOL_0005410 | |
Fungal disease | AHOL_0005013 | [Infectious disease caused by fungi, Maladie infectieuse causée par un champignon] |
musculoskeletal disorder | AHOL_0005134 |