All individuals in ATC
Label | Id | Description |
Biomedical or Dental Material | T122 | |
Biphenylol, Kombinationen | D08AE56 | |
Bird | T012 | |
Birkenblätter | G04BP02 | |
Birkenblätter | C03XP02 | |
Birkenrinde** | D03AP09 | |
Bisacodyl, Kombinationen | V04CZ04 | |
Bismut(III)-citrat-hydroxid-Komplex | A02BX17 | |
Bismut, Kombinationen | A07BB51 | |
Bismuth preparations, intestinal adsorbents | A07BB | |
Bismutsubnitrat, Kombinationen exkl. Psycholeptika | A02BX62 | |
Bismutsubsalicylat | A02BX22 | |
Bisoprolol und Hydrochlorothiazid | C07BB27 | |
Bisoxatin, Kombinationen | A06AB59 | |
Bisphosphonate drugs affecting bone structure and mineralization | M05BA | |
Bisphosphonates, combinations affecting bone structure and mineralization | M05BB | |
Bisquaternary ammonium compounds, ganglion-blocking antiandrenergic | C02BC | |
Bittersüßstängel | D11AX31 | |
Bituminosulfonate | G01AX28 | |
Bituminosulfonate | D11AC11 |