All terms in ATC
Label | Id | Description |
Other cicatrizants in ATC | D03AX | |
Phenobarbital | N05CA24 | |
Barbiturates, hypnotics and sedatives, plain | N05CA | |
Siliciumdioxid, Kombinationen | D03AX70 | |
Propallylonal | N05CA25 | |
Bärentraubenblätter | G04BP01 | |
Pflanzliche Urologika | G04BP | |
Bromallylmethylbutylbarbitursäure | N05CA26 | |
Ipragliflozin | A10BK05 | |
Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors | A10BK | |
Ertugliflozin | A10BK04 | |
Bakterienlysat, Kombinationen | D03AX79 | |
Brennnesselkraut und -blätter | G04BP08 | |
Goldrutenkraut | G04BP06 | |
Kürbissamen | G04BP07 | |
sodium stibogluconate | P01CB02 | |
Antimony compounds for treatment of leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis | P01CB | |
Glockenbilsenkrautwurzelstock | G04BP04 | |
Lespedezakraut | G04BP05 | |
Mineralölraffinat, Kombinationen | D03AX77 |