meat protein content
any measurable characteristic related to the amount in meat of macromolecules consisting of long chains of amino acids in peptide linkage (protein: CHEBI:36080)
toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la quantité de macromolécules dans la viande, faites de longues chaînes d'acides aminés liées entre elles par des liaisons peptidiques (protéine : CHEBI:36080)
Term info
meat protein content
- fillet protein content
- flesh protein content
- teneur en protéines de la viande, B6DB9A1D2EC84E10CA76842EEF819883?chebiId=CHEBI:36080
VTO:CP "Cari Park, Iowa State University Curator"
HorseAbsent, GoatAbsent, MouseAbsent, SoleAbsent, ZebraFishAbsent
ChickenPresent, TroutPresent, QuailPresent, DuckPresent, RabbitPresent, TurkeyPresent, PigPresent, CarpPresent, SeaBassPresent, SalmonPresent, CodPresent, GoosePresent, SeaBreamPresent, CattlePresent, SheepPresent, TilapiaPresent