egg yolk saturated fatty acid concentration
toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'acides organiques, monobasiques, dérivés d'hydrocarbures, dont la chaîne carbonée ne contient que des liaisons carbone-carbone simples, présents dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf
any measurable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons with a carbon chain containing only single carbon-carbon bonds, present in egg yolk lipids
Term info
egg yolk saturated fatty acid concentration
- egg yolk saturated fatty acid percentage
- concentration en acides gras saturés du jaune d'oeuf
- egg yolk saturated fatty acid content
- vitellus saturated fatty acid concentration
- vitellus saturated fatty acid content
ChickenPresent, TroutPresent, QuailPresent, DuckPresent, TurkeyPresent, CarpPresent, ZebraFishPresent, SolePresent, SeaBassPresent, SalmonPresent, GoosePresent, CodPresent, SeaBreamPresent, TilapiaPresent