egg yolk C20:5 n-3 fatty acid concentration
toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'un acide gras oméga-3 insaturé ayant un squelette de 20 atomes de carbone et cinq doubles liaisons, présent dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf
any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and five double bonds, present in egg yolk lipids
Term info
egg yolk C20:5 n-3 fatty acid concentration
- concentration en acide gras C20:5 n-3 du jaune d'oeuf
- egg yolk C20:5 n-3 fatty acid content
- egg yolk C20:5 n-3 fatty acid percentage
HorseAbsent, RabbitAbsent, GoatAbsent, PigAbsent, MouseAbsent, SheepAbsent, CattleAbsent
ChickenPresent, TroutPresent, QuailPresent, DuckPresent, TurkeyPresent, CarpPresent, ZebraFishPresent, SolePresent, SalmonPresent, SeaBassPresent, CodPresent, GoosePresent, SeaBreamPresent, TilapiaPresent