milk ketone body content
toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable liée à un composé carbonyle dans le lait, sous-produit hydrosoluble issu de la décomposition des acides gras par le foie, il existe trois corps cétoniques endogènes: acétone, acide acéto-acétique et acide (R)-3-hydroxybutyrique
any measurable or observable characteristic related to a carbonyl compound in milk, a water-soluble byproduct of fatty acids degradation in the liver for energy, here are three endogenous ketone bodies: acetone, acetoacetic acid, and (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid
Term info
milk ketone body content
ChickenAbsent, QuailAbsent, TroutAbsent, GooseAbsent, SeaBassAbsent, TurkeyAbsent, TilapiaAbsent, DuckAbsent, CodAbsent, SalmonAbsent, SeaBreamAbsent, CarpAbsent, SoleAbsent, ZebraFishAbsent
PigPresent, CattlePresent, GoatPresent, SheepPresent