All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
organ°°° | ATOL_0001855 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the organs involved in egg formation, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée aux organes qui participent à la formation de l'oeuf] |
fertilization trait | ATOL_0000525 | [any measurable characteristic related to the process beginning with the maturation of male and female gamete and completed by fusion of the male and female pronuclei] |
homeostasis or metabolism trait | ATOL_0000521 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable de la situation d'équilibre dans le corps et des mécanismes de régulation qui la maintiennent, any measurable or observable characteristic of the state of equilibrium in the body and the processes via which it is maintained] |
ovary trait | ATOL_0001857 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée au dépôt du follicule sur l'ovaire, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the follicle deposition on the ovary] |
liver trait | ATOL_0001856 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the liver, which is responsible for the synthesis of egg yolk components, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée au foie, qui est responsable de la synthèse des composants du jaune d'oeuf] |
nociception | ATOL_0000524 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the neural processes of encoding and processing noxious stimuli often leading to withdrawal or protection reflex] |
pain responses trait | ATOL_0000863 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to unpleasant sensation and emotion usually localized on the body surface or in any organ resulting from noxious stimulation, injury or disease ] |
egg formation trait | ATOL_0001853 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la formation de l'oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to egg formation] |
hormonal mechanisms°°° | ATOL_0001854 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée aux mécanismes hormonaux de la formation de l'oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to hormonal mechanisms for egg formation] |
behavior trait | ATOL_0000522 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to actions and reactions of a living organism, either imposed by internal or external circumstances] |
animal trait of livestock | ATOL_0000002 | [ontology of any measurable or observable characteristics of a livestock animal -including fish- and dedicated to the production, -] |
empty ileum weight | ATOL_0001851 | [weight of empty ileum] |
ileum weight | ATOL_0000572 | [any measurable characteristic related to the weight of the ileum] |
empty small intestine weight | ATOL_0001850 | [weight of empty small intestine] |
small intestine weight | ATOL_0001082 | [any measurable characteristic related to the weight of the small intestine] |
IGF1 level | ATOL_0000990 | [toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la concentration dans le sang d'insulin-like growth factor (ou IGF), une hormone polypeptidique dont la séquence est similaire à celle de l'insuline, any measurable characteristic related to the concentration in the blood of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a polypeptide hormone similar in sequence to insulin] |
empty jejunum weight | ATOL_0001849 | [weight of empty jejunum] |
jejunum weight | ATOL_0001095 | [any measurable characteristic related to the weight of the jejunum] |
anogenital distance | ATOL_0000517 | [any measurable characteristic related to the measure of the length of space from the genitals to the anus] |
perineum morphology | ATOL_0000455 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure or color of the area between the genital organs and the anus that lies beneath the pelvic diaphragm] |