All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
egg yolk monounsaturated fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002045 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'acides organiques, monobasiques, dérivés d'hydrocarbures, dont la chaîne carbonée ne contient qu'une double liaison carbone-carbone, présents dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf , any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons with a carbon chain containing only one double carbon-carbon bond, present in egg yolk lipids ] |
egg yolk unsaturated fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002044 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'acides organiques, monobasiques, dérivés d'hydrocarbures, dont la chaîne carbonée contient une ou plusieurs doubles liaisons carbone-carbone, présents dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf , any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons with a carbon chain containing one or more double carbon-carbon bonds, present in egg yolk lipids ] |
egg yolk fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002040 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to egg yolk fatty acid (CHEBI:35366) concentration, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la concentration en acides gras (CHEBI:35366) du jaune d'oeuf] |
egg yolk C18:0 fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002043 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'un acide gras saturé ayant un squelette de 18 atomes de carbone, présent dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid with a eighteen-carbon backbone, present in egg yolk lipids] |
egg yolk saturated fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002041 | [toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'acides organiques, monobasiques, dérivés d'hydrocarbures, dont la chaîne carbonée ne contient que des liaisons carbone-carbone simples, présents dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf , any measurable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons with a carbon chain containing only single carbon-carbon bonds, present in egg yolk lipids] |
egg yolk C16:0 fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002042 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'un acide gras saturé ayant un squelette de 16 atomes de carbone, présent dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf (acide palmitique : CHEBI:15756), any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone, present in egg yolk lipids (palmitic acid: CHEBI:15756)] |
egg yolk cis-11-C18:1 fatty acid concentration | ATOL_0002047 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'un acide gras insaturé ayant un squelette de 18 atomes de carbone et une double liaison cis sur le carbone 11, présent dans les lipides du jaune d'oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11, present in egg yolk lipids] |
manganese absorption | ATOL_0005149 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of manganese (CHEBI:18291)contained in digesta] |
mineral nutrient absorption | ATOL_0005143 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of inorganic substance contained in digesta through the wall of the digestive tract] |
digesta endogenous nitrogen content | ATOL_0005140 | [any measurable or observable characteristics related to the concentration of nitrogen (CHEBI : 29351) of endogenous origin in digesta] |
water absorption | ATOL_0005141 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of water (CHEBI:15377) contained in digesta through the wall of the digestive tract] |
nutrient absorption | ATOL_0000374 | [any measurable or observable characteristics related to the transport of nutrients from gastrointestinal tract to blood or lymphatic system] |
dry matter nutrient absorption | ATOL_0005142 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of all components minus water contained in digesta through the wall of the digestive tract] |
cobalt absorption | ATOL_0005144 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of cobalt (CHEBI:27638)contained in feces through the wall of the digestive tract] |
carbonate absorption | ATOL_0005145 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of salts of carbonic acid (CHEBI:28976) contained in digesta through the wall of the digestive tract] |
selenium absorption | ATOL_0005146 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of seleniuum (CHEBI:27568) contained in digesta through the wall of the digestive tract] |
magnesium absorption | ATOL_0005147 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of magnesiuum (CHEBI:25107)contained in digesta through the wall of the digestive tract] |
phosphorus absorption | ATOL_0005148 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of phosphorus contained in digesta] |
digesta choline content | ATOL_0005138 | [any measurable or observable characteristics related to the concentration of choline (CHEBI : 15354) in digesta] |
digesta lactate content | ATOL_0005139 | [any measurable or observable characteristics related to the concentration of lactate (CHEBI : 24996) in digesta] |