naive thymus-derived CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell
A CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell that has not experienced activation via antigen contact and has the phenotype CD45RA-positive, CCR7-positive and CD127-positive. This cell type is also described as being CD25-negative, CD62L-high and CD44-low. [ ]
Term info
naive thymus-derived CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell
- naive thymus-dervied CD8-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte
- naive thymus-dervied CD8-positive, alpha-beta T-cell
- naive thymus-dervied CD8-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte
This cell traffics in secondary lymphoid organs and blood. This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'naive CD8+ T cell', but includes additional markers known to be expressed on naive CD8+ T cells.
naive CD8+ T cell
Term relations
- CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell and has plasma membrane part some receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C isoform CD45RA and has plasma membrane part some C-C chemokine receptor type 7 and has plasma membrane part some interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha and has_high_plasma_membrane_amount some L-selectin and has_low_plasma_membrane_amount some CD44 molecule and lacks_plasma_membrane_part some interleukin-2 receptor subunit alpha
- naive T cell
- CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell
- develops from some mature CD8 single-positive thymocyte
- lacks_plasma_membrane_part some interleukin-2 receptor subunit alpha