Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

cardia of stomach

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The part of the stomach attached to the esophagus. The cardia begins immediately distal to the z-line of the gastroeosphageal junction, where the squamous epithelium of the esophagus gives way to the columnar epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract[WP] [ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0000198 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardia ]

Term info


cardia of stomach

  • cardial part of stomach
  • gastric cardia
  • pars cardiaca (gaster)
  • pars cardiaca gastricae
  • stomach cardiac region
database cross reference


latin term
pars cardiaca gastricae [ FMA : 14561 FMA : TA ]

depicted by


editor note

There were previously conflicting statements in the academic anatomy community[10][11][12] over whether the cardia is part of the stomach, part of the esophagus or a distinct entity. Modern surgical and medical textbooks have agreed that 'The gastric cardia is now clearly considered to be part of the stomach'[13][14]. Classical anatomy textbooks, and some other resources[15], describe the cardia as the first of 4 regions of the stomach. This makes sense histologically because the mucosa of the cardia is the same as that of the stomach[WP], We follow Kardong in defining stomach regions by glands.

has alternative id


has related synonym

cardiac region, cardiac orifice, cardial orifice, cardiac antrum, antrum cardiacum

