All terms in CL
Label | Id | Description |
DNA packaging | GO_0006323 | [Any process in which DNA and associated proteins are formed into a compact, orderly structure.] |
respiratory basal cell | CL_0002633 | [A basal cell in the respiratory tract.] |
bronchial epithelial cell | CL_0002328 | [An epithelial cell of the bronchus.] |
basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree | CL_0002329 | [An epithelial cell type that lacks the columnar shape typical for other respiratory epithelial cells. This cell type is able to differentiate into other respiratory epithelial cells in response to injury.] |
apoptotic nuclear changes | GO_0030262 | [Alterations undergone by nuclei at the molecular and morphological level as part of the execution phase of apoptosis.] |
cellular component disassembly involved in execution phase of apoptosis | GO_0006921 | [The breakdown of structures such as organelles, proteins, or other macromolecular structures during apoptosis.] |
basal cell of epithelium of trachea | CL_1000348 | [A basal cell that is part of the epithelium of trachea.] |
tracheal epithelial cell | CL_0000307 | [An epithelial cell found in the trachea.] |
epithelium of trachea | UBERON_0001901 | [the epithelial lining of the trachea which contains numerous ciliated cells] |
CD209 (human) | gene_symbol_report | [A protein coding gene CD209 in human.] |
apoptotic chromosome condensation | GO_0030263 | [The compaction of chromatin during apoptosis.] |
mast/stem cell growth factor receptor | PR_000002065 | [A CSF-1/PDGF receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase that is a translation product of the human KIT gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof.] |
CD24 (human) | gene_symbol_report | [A protein coding gene CD24 in human.] |
simple columnar epithelium | UBERON_0000485 | [Unilaminar epithelium, which consists of a single layer of columnar cells. Examples: ciliated columnar epithelium, gastric epithelium, microvillus columnar epithelium.[FMA]] |
unilaminar epithelium | UBERON_0000490 | [Epithelium which consists of a single layer of epithelial cells. Examples: endothelium, mesothelium, glandular squamous epithelium.[FMA]] |
columnar epithelium | UBERON_0012274 | [An epithelium that consists of columnar epithelial cells. Columnar epithelia are epithelial cells whose heights are at least four times their width. Columnar epithelia are divided into simple (or unilayered), and the rarer stratified (or multi-layered).[WP, modified]] |
simple cuboidal epithelium | UBERON_0000484 | [Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells.] |
cuboidal epithelium | UBERON_0010077 | [An epithelium consisting of cuboidal epithelial cells.] |
epithelium | UBERON_0000483 | [Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina. Examples: simple squamous epithelium, glandular cuboidal epithelium, transitional epithelium, myoepithelium[CARO].] |
basement membrane of epithelium | UBERON_0005769 | [An acellular membrane that is part of the epithelium, lies adjacent to the epithelial cells, and is the fusion of the the basal lamina and the reticular lamina.] |