All properties in CMPO
Label | Id | Description |
IAO_0000114 | IAO_0000114 | |
IAO_0000115 | IAO_0000115 | |
IAO_0000116 | IAO_0000116 | |
IAO_0000412 | IAO_0000412 | |
IAO_0000589 | IAO_0000589 | |
RO_0001900 | RO_0001900 | |
SynonymTypeProperty | SynonymTypeProperty | |
Systematic synonym | systematic_synonym | |
TopObjectProperty | TopObjectProperty | |
bearer of | RO_0000053 | |
cmpo | cmpo | |
comment | comment | |
contributor | contributor | |
createdBy | createdBy | |
created_by | created_by | |
creation_date | creation_date | |
database_cross_reference | hasDbXref | |
decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to | decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to | [q1 decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) < magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale.] |
default-namespace | default-namespace | |
definition source | IAO_0000119 |