All properties in CMPO
Label | Id | Description |
label | label | |
located in | RO_0001025 | |
mf_needs_review | mf_needs_review | |
negatively regulates | RO_0002212 | |
occurs in | BFO_0000066 | |
part_of | BFO_0000050 | |
participates in | RO_0000056 | |
positively regulates | RO_0002213 | |
prefLabel | prefLabel | |
reciprocal_of | reciprocal_of | [q1 reciprocal_of q2 if and only if : q1 and q2 are relational qualities and a phenotype e q1 e2 mutually implies a phenotype e2 q2 e.] |
regulates | RO_0002211 | |
s depends on | BFO_0000070 | |
seeAlso | seeAlso | |
shorthand | shorthand | |
similar_in_magnitude_relative_to | similar_in_magnitude_relative_to | [q1 similar_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) =~ magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale.] |
source | source | |
subset_property | SubsetProperty | |
termgenie_unvetted | termgenie_unvetted | |
transports or maintains localization of | RO_0002313 | |
virus_checked | virus_checked |