All properties in DOID
Label | Id | Description |
realized_by_supression_with | realized_by_supression_with | |
related via dependence to | RO_0002609 | [A relationship that holds between two entities, where the relationship holds based on the presence or absence of statistical dependence relationship. The entities may be statistical variables, or they may be other kinds of entities such as diseases, chemical entities or processes.] |
results_in | results_in | [Development process/cause and effect/disease progress,process.] |
results_in_formation_of | results_in_formation_of | [Formation of structure,cancer,etc./cause and effect.] |
saved-by | saved-by | |
sexually_transmitted_infectious_disease | sexually_transmitted_infectious_disease | |
subset_property | SubsetProperty | |
tick-borne_infectious_disease | tick-borne_infectious_disease | |
title | title | |
topObjectProperty | topObjectProperty | |
transmitted by | RO_0002451 | [A relationship that holds between a disease and organism] |
type | type | |
zoonotic_infectious_disease | zoonotic_infectious_disease |