septum of telencephalon
Gray matter structure located on the midline of the forebrain consisting of the septum pellucidum (in some species) and the septal nuclei (Heimer, 1996). [ ]
Term info
septum of telencephalon
- area septalis
- septal area
- septum (NN)
- telencephalon septum
Subdivision of the telencephalon on the midline between the lateral ventricles which contains the septum pellucidum and the septal nuclei[FMA][FMA:61842].
Se, septum
septum pellucidum (BNA,PNA), massa praecommissuralis, septal region, septum telencephali
Term relations
- anatomical structure
- part of some telencephalon
- part of some brain
- part of some forebrain
- part of some central nervous system
- part of some cerebral hemisphere