The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals. Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell[WP]. [ ]
Term info
cumbo, uberon_slim, efo_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core, major_organ, human_reference_atlas
requires review for applicability to invertebrate structures, e.g. synganglion
Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system.[TAO], Part of the central nervous system situated within the cranium and composed of both nerve cell bodies and nerve fibers.[AAO], The part of the central nervous system contained within the cranium, comprising the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and metencephalon. It is derived from the anterior part of the embryonic neural tube (or the encephalon). Does not include retina. (CUMBO)
the brain, synganglion, suprasegmental structures, suprasegmental levels of nervous system, encephalon
(...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2).[well established][VHOG]
Term relations
- amygdala volume
- thalamus volume
- nucleus accumbens volume
- putamen volume
- pallidum volume
- electroencephalogram measurement
- Lewy body dementia measurement
- neurofibrillary tangles measurement
- left inferior lateral ventricle volume measurement
- superior frontal gyrus grey matter volume measurement
- intracranial volume measurement
- volumetric brain MRI
- cortical thickness
- caudate nucleus volume
- lentiform nucleus measurement
- white matter integrity
- mean fractional anisotropy measurement
- infant intracranial volume measurement
- infant grey matter volume measurement
- infant white matter volume measurement
- parietal cortex measurement
- lateral ventricle volume measurement
- white matter volume measurement
- cerebrospinal fluid volume measurement
- white matter microstructure measurement
- white matter hyperintensity measurement
- grey matter volume measurement
- entorhinal cortical volume
- whole-brain volume
- white matter lesion progression measurement
- functional brain measurement
- left superior temporal gyrus grey matter volume measurement
- amyloid plaque accumulation rate
- Heschl's gyrus morphology measurement
- psychological measurement
- arousal domain measurement
- cognitive domain measurement
- positive domain measurement
- negative domain measurement
- beta-secretase 1 measurement
- social domain measurement
- diffuse plaque measurement
- Lewy body measurement
- cortical surface area measurement
- PHF-tau measurement
- brain age measurement
- brain stem volume measurement
- banks of the superior temporal sulcus volume measurement
- brain density measurement
- brain cortex volume measurement
- caudal anterior cingulate cortex volume measurement
- cerebellar cortex volume measurement
- caudal middle frontal gyrus volume measurement
- choroid plexus volume measurement
- cerebral cortex volume measurement
- corpus callosum anterior volume measurement
- cingulate cortex volume measurement
- corpus callosum mid-anterior volume measurement
- corpus callosum central volume measurement
- corpus callosum volume measurement
- inferior temporal gyrus volume measurement
- insular cortex volume measurement
- Grey matter density measurement
- inferior parietal cortex volume measurement
- frontal pole volume measurement
- fusiform gyrus volume measurement
- limbic lobe volume measurement
- lingual gyrus volume measurement
- lateral occipital cortex volume measurement
- brain growth measurement
- lateral orbital frontal cortex volume measurement
- isthmus cingulate cortex volume measurement
- entorhinal cortex volume measurement
- fourth ventricle volume measurement
- corpus collosum mid-posterior volume measurement
- cuneus cortex volume measurement
- rostral middle frontal gyrus volume measurement
- superior frontal gyrus volume measurement
- precuneus cortex volume measurement
- rostral anterior cingulate cortex volume measurement
- third ventricle volume measurement
- transverse temporal cortex volume measurement
- temporal horn of lateral ventricle volume measurement
- temporal pole volume measurement
- superior temporal gyrus volume measurement
- supramarginal gyrus volume measurement
- superior parietal cortex volume measurement
- pars opercularis volume measurement
- paracentral lobule volume measurement
- parahippocampal gyrus volume measurement
- medial orbital frontal cortex volume measurement
- middle temporal gyrus volume measurement
- white matter growth measurement
- posterior cingulate cortex volume measurement
- precentral gyrus volume measurement
- pericalcarine cortex volume measurement
- postcentral gyrus volume measurement
- pars orbitalis volume measurement
- pars triangularis volume measurement
- Alzheimer's disease neuropathologic change
- insomnia
- Metabolic disease with dementia
- dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
- delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning
- central nervous system cyst
- Genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
- Genetic neurodegenerative disease
- narcolepsy without cataplexy
- mental or behavioural disorder
- COASY protein-associated neurodegeneration
- Genetic cerebrovascular dementia
- epilepsy
- astrocytoma
- medulloblastoma
- pars intercerebralis
- mushroom body
- CA3 field of hippocampus
- CA4 field of hippocampus
- CA1 field of hippocampus
- CA2 field of hippocampus
- primary motor cortex
- postoptic commissure
- floor plate of midbrain
- brain blood vessel
- ventral striatum
- ventricular zone
- central gray substance of midbrain
- cingulate cortex
- perirhinal cortex
- subthalamic nucleus
- pineal body
- epithalamus
- hypothalamus
- telencephalon
- midbrain
- forebrain
- dorsal plus ventral thalamus
- diencephalon
- amygdala
- nucleus accumbens
- bed nucleus of stria terminalis
- choroid plexus
- dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation
- frontal cortex
- globus pallidus
- putamen
- caudate nucleus
- superior colliculus
- inferior colliculus
- neocortex
- supraoptic nucleus
- preoptic area
- medial geniculate body
- lateral geniculate body
- paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
- Ammon's horn
- oculomotor nuclear complex
- corpus callosum
- torus semicircularis
- tangential nucleus
- midbrain tectum
- caudal tuberculum
- descending octaval nucleus
- valvula cerebelli
- hippocampal formation
- basal ganglion
- ventral tegmental area
- paraventricular organ
- caudal tuberal nucleus
- cerebral peduncle
- periventricular grey zone
- occipital cortex
- dorsal raphe nucleus
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- substantia nigra
- cerebellum
- hindbrain
- neurohypophysis
- locus ceruleus
- nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus of medulla
- brainstem
- cerebellar hemisphere
- brain ventricle
- vasculature of brain
- somatosensory cortex
- Brodmann (1909) area 46
- Brodmann (1909) area 38
- posterior cingulate cortex
- pons
- shell of nucleus accumbens
- core of nucleus accumbens
- tegmentum
- granular eminence
- torus lateralis
- medial octavolateralis nucleus
- ventral part of telencephalon
- pallium
- visual cortex
- prefrontal cortex
- septum of telencephalon
- corpus striatum