All individuals in EOL
Label | Id | Description |
grill | EOL_0001543 | [a grill of copper and nickel (mettalic) or plastic alloy used to prevent the animal passage larger than the meshes] |
grooming device | EOL_0001947 | [rotating or stationary brush which ensure a cleaner coat by removing dirt and debris] |
ground management type | EOL_0001650 | [equipment forming or covering the floor of the rearing structure] |
group feeding | EOL_0001755 | [method of feeding where the animal is fed in group regardless if the animal is housed individually or in a group] |
group laying nest | EOL_0001675 | [structure for several laying hens not housed in batteries and used to collect eggs] |
group water delivery | EOL_0001759 | [method where the animal ingests the water in group regardless if the animal is housed individually or in a group] |
group-housing system | EOL_0001608 | [system of farming where animals are housed in a mono-species group] |
grower-finisher rearing unit | EOL_0001632 | [unit dedicated to the production of animal in growing-finishing phase until the slaughtering which come from the natural environment or produced in a farm. ] |
growing rearing unit | EOL_0001710 | [unit dedicated to the production of animal in growing phase coming from juvenile stage or pregrowing stage. The animal comes from the natural environment or produced in a farm] |
hand feeding | EOL_0001646 | [method of feeding animal with hand of an animal with an apportioned amount] |
hand water delivery | EOL_0001744 | [method of water delivery where the rationing of the water is operated manually] |
hanging drinker | EOL_0001672 | [this driker is made of plastic and has a valve built in the drinker body. There are two main types: with or without ballast tank on the drinker. Most hanging drinkers are fitted with a ballast tank (filled with water, sand or pebbles).] |
horizontal incubator | EOL_0001551 | [incubation system horizontally oriented used for the hatching of fish egg] |
horizontal water flow | EOL_0000194 | [the amount of water flowing horizontally per unit of time] |
identification collar | EOL_0001960 | [a device attached to the neck of an animal to allow its identification] |
identification tag | EOL_0001959 | [a plastic or metal object used for identification of animals, positionned on a part of body, ear, leg, wing or fin] |
immersed cage | EOL_0001542 | [netcage which is kept immersed in the water, generally used for grow-out phase] |
incubator box | EOL_0001552 | [a shallow box or tray set in the water (front flap against the current and cover a little above the water line) and anchored to the bottom for incubating eggs] |
individual feeding | EOL_0001754 | [method of feeding where the animal is fed individually regardless if the animal is housed individually or in a group] |
individual housing system | EOL_0001634 | [system of farming where the animal is housed alone] |