All individuals in EXTRUONT
Label | Id | Description |
bar | bar | [The bar is a unit of pressure defined as 100 000 pascal.] |
barn | barn | [The barn is a unit of area defined as 1.0e-28 square metre.] |
barrel (US) | barrel-US | [The US barrel is a unit of volume defined as 1.589873e-1 cubic metre.] |
barye | barye | [The barye is a unit of pressure defined as 0.1 pascal.] |
baud | baud | [The baud is a unit of symbol rate defined as one distinct symbol change or signalling event made to the transmission medium per second in a digitally modulated signal or a line code.] |
biot | biot | [The biot is a unit of electric current defined as 10 ampere.] |
body mass | BodyMass | |
bushel (US) | bushel-US | [The US bushel is a unit of volume defined as 3.523907e-2 cubic metre.] |
capacitance | Capacitance | [Capacitance is the ability to hold electrical charge. It is a derived quantity in the International System of Units. Capacitance is electric charge divided by electric potential.] |
capacitance dimension | capacitance-Dimension | |
capacitance dimension | capacitance-Dimension | |
carat (mass) | carat-Mass | [The carat (mass) is a unit of mass defined as 2.0e-4 kilogram.] |
centi | centi | |
centimetre | centimetre | [The centimetre is a unit of length defined as 1.0e-2 metre.] |
centimetre of mercury | centimetreOfMercury | [The centimetre of mercury is a unit of pressure defined as 1.0e-2 metre of mercury.] |
centimetre per day | centimetrePerDay | [Centimetre per day is a unit of speed defined as centimetre divided by day.] |
centimetre per second | centimetrePerSecond-Time | [Centimetre per second is a unit of speed defined as centimetre divided by second.] |
chain | chain | [The chain is a unit of length defined as 2.011684e1 metre.] |
cicero | cicero | [The cicero is a unit of length defined as 12 point (Didot).] |
circular mil | circularMil | [The cicular mil is a unit of area defined as 5.067075e-10 square metre.] |