All terms in EXTRUONT
Label | Id | Description |
area unit | AreaUnit | |
wavenumber | Wavenumber | [Wavenumber is the number of repeating units of a propagating wave (the number of times a wave has the same phase) per unit of space.] |
Melting temperature sensor | MeltingTemperatureSensor | [A sensor that observes the melting temperature] |
Result | Result | [The Result of an Observation, Actuation, or act of Sampling. To store an observation's simple result value one can use the hasSimpleResult property.] |
Transverse extrusion head | TransverseExtrusionHead | [Extrusion head with a transverse position of die.] |
Twin screw, barrel and heating system | TwinScrewBarrelAndHeatingSystem | [A system containing twin screws, barrel, temperature zones and fans.] |
Procedure | Procedure | [A workflow, protocol, plan, algorithm, or computational method specifying how to make an Observation, create a Sample, or make a change to the state of the world (via an Actuator). A Procedure is re-usable, and might be involved in many Observations, Samplings, or Actuations. It explains the steps to be carried out to arrive at reproducible results.] |
cost | Cost | |
amount of money | AmountOfMoney | |
venn diagram | SIO_000947 | |
Lined barrel | LinedBarrel | [Lined barrel.] |
dendrogram | SIO_000948 | |
tree diagram | SIO_000945 | |
flowchart | SIO_000946 | |
complexType | complexType | |
Metal fiber | MetalFiber | [Filter made of metal fiber.] |
Single screw extruder | SingleScrewExtruder | [Extruder that contains a single screw.] |
Vacuum sensor | VacuumSensor | [Vacuum sensors are used to measure vacuum or sub-atmospheric pressures. Vacuum means pressure below atmospheric. Since true vacuum is never attained, the measurement is in respect to a near absence of gas pressure.] |
Thickness gauge | ThicknessGauge | [A thickness gauge measures the thickness of a material. Ultrasonic thickness gauges are the most common for engineering material testing applications because an ultrasonic thickness gauge can quickly perform thickness measurement from one side of a metal, glass, plastic, ceramic, rubber or fiberglass surface] |
prefixed unified atomic mass unit | PrefixedUnifiedAtomicMassUnit |