All terms in FOODEX2
Label | Id | Description |
Southern bluefin tuna | A02EC | [Marine fishes classified under the species Thunnus maccoyii or Thunnus thynnus maccoyii, commonly known as Southern bluefin tuna. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Northern bluefin tuna | A02ED | [Marine fishes classified under the species Thunnus thynnus thynnus, commonly known as Northern bluefin tuna. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Tuna and bonito (generic) | A02DR | [Generic term refering to marine fishes commonly known as tuna and bonito, such as fishes classified under the species Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre or Thunnus albacares or Thunnus atlanticus or Thunnus obesus or Thunnus thynnus maccoyii or Thunnus thynnus orientalis or Thunnus thynnus thunnus or Thunnus tongoll or Euthynnus affinis or Euthynnus alletteratus or Euthynnus lineatus or Euthynnus pelamis. The part consumed/analysed is by default undefined. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors.] |
Albacore | A02DY | [Marine fishes classified under the species Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre, commonly known as Albacore. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Bonito, eastern pacific | A02DV | [Marine fishes classified under the species Sarda chiliensis, commonly known as Eastern pacific bonito. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Bonito | A02DS | [Marine fishes classified under the species Sarda chilensis or Sarda orientalis or Sarda sarda Bloch or Sarda velox, commonly known as Bonito. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Tuna, bigeye | A02DZ | [Marine fishes classified under the species Thunnus obesus, commonly known as Bigeye tuna. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Spiny dogfish | A02DP | [Marine fishes classified under the species Squalus acanthias, genus Squalus spp., commonly known as Spiny dogfish. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Rays | A02DQ | [Marine fishes classified under the family Rajidae, commonly known as Rays. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Smooth hounds | A02DN | [Marine fishes classified under the genus Mustelus spp., commonly known as Smooth hounds. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Bonito, atlantic | A02DT | [Marine fishes classified under the species Sarda sarda Bloch, commonly known as Atlantic bonito. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Sprat | A02DH | [Marine fishes classified under the genus Sprattus spp. and species Clupea sprattus, commonly known as Sprat. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Herrings | A02DE | [Marine fishes classified under the species Clupea harengus or Clupea pallasii, genus Clupea spp., commonly known as Herrings. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Herring, pacific | A02DG | [Marine fishes classified under the species Clupea pallasii, commonly known as Pacific herring. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Porbeagle | A02DL | [Marine fishes classified under the species Lamna nasus Bonnaterre, commonly known as Porbeagle. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Requiem shark | A02DM | [Marine fishes classified under the family Carcharhinidae, commonly known as Requiem shark. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Liveroil shark | A02DK | [Marine fishes classified under the species Galeorhinus galeus, genus Galeorhinus spp., commonly known as Liveroil shark. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
Sardines and sardine-type fishes | A02DA | [The group includes any type of sardines and sardine-type fishes such as marine fishes classified under the species Sardina pilchardus Walbaum or Sardinops melanosticta or Sardinops neopilchardus or Sardinops ocellata or Sardinops sagax or Sardinops caerulea or Sardinella aurita Valanciennes or Sardinella anchovia or Sardinella brasiliensis or Sardinella maderensis or Clupea antipod. The part consumed/analysed is by default undefined. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors.] |
Anchovies | A02DD | [Marine fishes classified under the species Engraulis encrasicolus or Engraulis japonicus or Engraulis mordax or Engraulis capensis, commonly known as Anchovies. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |
European sardine | A02DB | [Marine fishes classified under the species Sardina pilchardus Walbaum, commonly known as European sardine. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. ] |