Java apples
Fruits with edible peel from the plant classified under the species Syzygium samarangense (Bl.) Merr. & Perry or Eugenia javanica Lam., commonly known as Java apples or Wax apple or Love apple or Chomphu or Bellfruit or Bell fruit or Jamaican Apple or Jambu air or Water apple or Mountain apple or Wax jambu or Rose apple or Makopa or Tambis or Chambekka or Jamrul or Jumbu or Jamalac or Zamalac or Syzygium. The part consumed/analysed is not specified. When relevant, information on the part consumed/analysed has to be reported with additional facet descriptors. In case of data collections related to legislations, the default part consumed/analysed is the one defined in the applicable legislation.
Term info
Java apples
- Bellfruit or Bell fruit
- Chambekka
- Chomphu
- Eugenia javanica Lam.
- Jamaican Apple
- Jamalac
- Jambu air
- Jamrul
- Jumbu
- Love apple
- Makopa
- Mountain apple
- Rose apple
- Syzygium
- Syzygium samarangense (Bl.) Merr. & Perry
- Tambis
- Water apple
- Wax apple
- Wax jambu
- Zamalac
2017/07/20 apples,