The division of the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane of a cell and its partitioning into two daughter cells. [ ]
Term info
- cell cycle cytokinesis
- cytokinesis involved in cell cycle
gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate, goslim_yeast, goslim_candida, goslim_aspergillus
Note that this term should not be used for direct annotation. When annotating eukaryotic species, mitotic or meiotic cytokinesis should always be specified for manual annotation and for prokaryotic species use 'FtsZ-dependent cytokinesis ; GO:0043093' or Cdv-dependent cytokinesis ; GO:0061639. Also, note that cytokinesis does not necessarily result in physical separation and detachment of the two daughter cells from each other.
GO:0016288, GO:0007104, GO:0033205