Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

viral entry into host cell via pilus retraction

Go to external page http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0039667

The uptake of a virus or viral genetic material into a host cell which occurs through retraction of a virion-bound pilus. [ http://viralzone.expasy.org/all_by_protein/981.html ]

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viral entry into host cell via pilus retraction


This method of entry into the cell differs between viruses; filamentous bacteriophages have rod-shaped virions which attach to the tip of the pilus; after retraction of the pilus with the virion attached, the genome can enter the host cell through the pilus basal pore. For icosahedral viruses, retraction of the pilus brings the virus in contact with the cell membrane and the genome can enter the cell via membrane fusion or genome injection. In GO, viral entry begins after viral attachment; for pilus-attachment proteins see instead: viral attachment to host cell pilus ; GO:0039666.

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