All properties in HP
Label | Id | Description |
in_proximal_side_of | BSPO_0000124 | [X proximal_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into distal and proximal portions, X is part_of the proximal portion.] |
in_right_side_of | BSPO_0000121 | [X in_right_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into left and right portions, X is part_of the right portion.] |
in_subset | inSubset | |
in_ventral_side_of | BSPO_0015102 | |
inchi | inchi | |
inchikey | inchikey | |
inconsistent_with | inconsistent_with | |
inconsistent_with_fma | inconsistent_with_fma | |
increased_in_magnitude_relative_to | increased_in_magnitude_relative_to | [q1 increased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) > magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale.] |
indicates that a synonym is used in an inconsistent or confusing way, typically between species | INCONSISTENT | |
indirectly_supplies | indirectly_supplies | [a indirectly_supplies s iff a has a branch and the branch supplies or indirectly supplies s] |
inferred_by | inferred_by | |
inheres in | RO_0000052 | [a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the dependent) and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the dependent specifically depends on the bearer for its existence] |
inheres in part of | RO_0002314 | [q inheres in part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w.] |
innervated_by | RO_0002005 | |
innervates | RO_0002134 | [Relation between a 'neuron projection bundle' and a region in which one or more of its component neuron projections either synapses to targets or receives synaptic input. T innervates some R Expands_to: T has_fasciculating_neuron_projection that synapse_in some R.] |
input of | RO_0002352 | [inverse of has input] |
interaction relation helper property | RO_0002563 | |
interacts with | RO_0002434 | [A relationship that holds between two entities in which the processes executed by the two entities are causally connected.] |
intersects_midsagittal_plane_of | BSPO_0005001 | [X intersects_median_plane of iff X crosses the midine plane of Y.] |