All properties in HP
Label | Id | Description |
logical macro assertion on an annotation property | RO_0002423 | |
logical-definition-view-relation | logical-definition-view-relation | |
lumen of | RO_0002571 | [x lumen_of y iff x is the space or substance that is part of y and does not cross any of the inner membranes or boundaries of y that is maximal with respect to the volume of the convex hull.] |
luminal space of | RO_0002572 | [s is luminal space of x iff s is lumen_of x and s is an immaterial entity] |
major_organ | major_organ | |
mass | mass | |
member of | RO_0002350 | [is member of is a mereological relation between a item and a collection.] |
mereotopologically related to | RO_0002323 | [A mereological relationship or a topological relationship] |
missing_from | missing_from | |
modified_from | modified_from | |
molecular interaction relation helper property | RO_0002564 | |
molecularly decreases activity of | RO_0002449 | [Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so negatively regulates a process that B is capable of. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A negatively regulates the kinase activity of B., Holds between molecules a and b if and only if a executes a process that directly diminishes a process executed by b.] |
molecularly interacts with | RO_0002436 | [An interaction relationship in which the two partners are molecular entities and are executing molecular processes that are directly causally connected., An interaction relationship in which the two partners are molecular entities that directly physically interact with each other for example via a stable binding interaction or a brief interaction during which one modifies the other.] |
monoisotopicmass | monoisotopicmass | |
mpath_slim | mpath_slim | |
namespace | namespace | |
negatively regulated by | RO_0002335 | [inverse of negatively regulates] |
negatively regulates | RO_0002212 | [Process(P1) negatively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 terminates P2, or P1 descreases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2.] |
non_informative | non_informative | |
note | note |