All properties in HP
Label | Id | Description |
protects | protects | |
provenance_notes | provenance_notes | |
proximal_to | BSPO_0000100 | [x proximal_to y iff x is closer to the point of attachment with the body than y.] |
proximally connected to | proximally_connected_to | [x proximally_connected_to y iff the proximal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x distal_to y.] |
proximalmost_part_of | BSPO_0001106 | [X proximalmost_part_of Y <=> X is part_of Y and X is adjacent_to the proximal boundary of Y] |
qualifier | qualifier | |
quality of | RO_0000080 | [a relation between a quality and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence] |
ray number | UBPROP_0000104 | [x ray_number N if and only if (i) x is a ray, and (ii) x is ancestrally associated with ray number N in a series of phalanges repeated along a radio-ulnar or equivalent axis, with ray_number 1 being the anteriormost ray.] |
reciprocal_of | reciprocal_of | [q1 reciprocal_of q2 if and only if : q1 and q2 are relational qualities and a phenotype e q1 e2 mutually implies a phenotype e2 q2 e.] |
region | region | |
regulated by | RO_0002334 | [inverse of regulates] |
regulates | RO_0002211 | [process(P1) regulates process(P2) iff: P1 results in the initiation or termination of P2 OR affects the frequency of its initiation or termination OR affects the magnitude or rate of output of P2.] |
relation between structure and stage | RO_0002487 | |
relational_slim | relational_slim | |
results in developmental progression of | RO_0002295 | [p results in the developmental progression of s iff p is a developmental process and s is an anatomical structure and p causes s to undergo a change in state at some point along its natural developmental cycle (this cycle starts with its formation, through the mature structure, and ends with its loss).] |
results in formation of | RO_0002297 | |
rhombomere number | UBPROP_0000111 | [x rhombomere_number N if and only if (i) x is a rhombomere, and (ii) x is rhombomere number N in a series of rhombomeres repeated along an anterior-posterior axis, with rhombomere_number 1 being the anteriormost rhombomere.] |
rib number | UBPROP_0000106 | [x rib_number N if and only if (i) x is a rib, and (ii) x is rib number N in a series of ribs repeated along an anterior-posterior axis, with rib_number 1 being the anteriormost rib. Note that this property counts ribs, *not* the adjoining vertebrae.] |
rights | rights | |
role of | RO_0000081 | [a relation between a role and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the role specifically depends on the bearer for its existence] |