All properties in HP
Label | Id | Description |
term replaced by | IAO_0100001 | [Use on obsolete terms, relating the term to another term that can be used as a substitute, Add as annotation triples in the granting ontology] |
terminology_notes | UBPROP_0000013 | [Notes on how lexical conventions regarding this class, in particular any issues that may arise due to homonyny or synonymy.] |
title | title | |
todo | todo | |
topObjectProperty | topObjectProperty | |
towards | towards | |
towards | RO_0002503 | [q towards e2 if and only if q is a relational quality such that q inheres-in some e, and e != e2 and q is dependent on e2] |
transformation of | RO_0002494 | [x transformation of y if x is the immediate transformation of y, or is linked to y through a chain of transformation relationships] |
transitively anteriorly connected to | transitively_anteriorly_connected_to | [.] |
transitively distally connected to | transitively_distally_connected_to | [.] |
transitively proximally connected to | transitively_proximally_connected_to | [.] |
transitively_connected to | transitively_connected_to | |
tributary_of | RO_0002376 | [x tributary_of y if and only if x a channel for the flow of a substance into y, where y is larger than x. If x and y are hydrographic features, then y is the main stem of a river, or a lake or bay, but not the sea or ocean. If x and y are anatomical, then y is a vein.] |
trunk_part_of | trunk_part_of | |
uberon_slim | uberon_slim | |
unverified_taxonomic_grouping | unverified_taxonomic_grouping | |
upper_level | upper_level | |
upstream in neural circuit with | RO_0000301 | [A relation that holds between a neuron that is synapsed_to another neuron or a neuron that is connected indirectly to another by a chain of neurons, each synapsed_to the next.] |
url | url | |
value_slim | value_slim |