Narrow palate
Width of the palate more than 2 SD below the mean (objective) or apparently decreased palatal width (subjective). [ ]
Term info
Narrow palate
- Decreased palatal width
- Decreased transverse dimension of palate
- Narrow palate
- Narrow roof of mouth
Palatal width is measured as the distance between the maxillary first permanent molar on the right and left sides, at the lingual cervical line, using a specific device. Palate width is typically assessed subjectively in routine clinical practice. Narrowing is often associated with a High palate, but this should be assessed and coded separately. Gingival overgrowth can give the impression of a narrow palate but should be distinguished and coded separately. The term gothic palate is used to indicate that the roof of the palate is not round but rather has an inverted V-shape, and therefore, only the upper part of the palate is narrow.
Term relations
- has_part some (
decreased width and
inheres in some secondary palate and
has modifier some abnormal)