Broad forehead
Width of the forehead or distance between the frontotemporales is more than two standard deviations above the mean (objective); or apparently increased distance between the two sides of the forehead. [ ]
Term info
Broad forehead
- Bitemporal widening
- Broad forehead
- Increased bitemporal dimension
- Increased bitemporal width
- Increased width of the forehead
- Intertemporal widening
- Wide forehead
Frontotemporalis is a point lateral to the vertical component of the supraorbital ridge, where there is a hollowing. Spreading caliper tips are placed in the deepest part of that hollow. Note that this term should not be confused with prominent forehead.
HP:0000352, HP:0000354
Term relations
- has_part some (
increased width and
inheres in some forehead and
has modifier some abnormal)