Focal impaired awareness seizure
A type of focal-onset saeizure characterized by impaired awareness. Awareness during a seizure is defined as the patient being fully aware of themself and their environment throughout the seizure, even if immobile. If awareness is impaired at any point during the seizure, the seizure is a focal impaired awareness seizure. The degree of loss of awareness may vary. [ ]
Term info
Focal impaired awareness seizure
- Complex focal seizures
- Complex partial seizures
- Dyscognitive seizures
- Focal impaired awareness seizures
- Focal seizures with impairment of consciousness or awareness
In the previous (1981) ILAE classification of seizure types, the term 'complex partial seizure' was used to denote a focal impaired awareness seizure. The term Dialeptic seizure referred to seizures that have as their main ictal manifestations an alteration of consciousness that is independent of ictal EEG manifestations. The term is no longer recommended according to the 2017 ILAE seizure classification.
HP:0002278, HP:0011146
Dialeptic seizure
Term relations
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