Cavum septum pellucidum
If the two laminae of the septum pellucidum are not fused then a fluid-filled space or cavum is present. The cavum septum pellucidum is present at birth but usually obliterates by the age of 3 to 6 months. It is up to 1cm in width and the walls are parallel. It is an enclosed space and is not part of the ventricular system or connected with the subarachnoid space. [ ]
Term info
Cavum septum pellucidum
- Large cavum septi pellucidi
- Persistent cavum septum pellucidum
- Widened cavum septum pellucidum
HP:0006884, HP:0007336, HP:0007091
Term relations
- has_part some (
unfused from and
inheres in some lamina of septum pellucidum and
towards some lamina of septum pellucidum and
has modifier some abnormal)