Paired processes at the caudal end of the neural arch. The articular facets of the postzygapophyses face lateroventrally and articulate with the dorsomedially facing facets of the prezygapophyses of the succeeding vertebra. [ ]
Term info
- caudal articular process of vertebra
- inferior articular process of vertebra
- neural postzygopophysis
- postzygapophysis
- processus articularis inferior
- processus articularis inferior vertebrae
- vertebra caudal articular process
- zygapophysis inferior
pheno_slim, vertebrate_core
Posteriorly projecting processes allowing de facto contact between consecutive vertebrae (some soft tissues are also present) via articular facets. [PHENOSCAPE:NI]
Paired, dorsomedially directed processes on the posterior ends of the centra, ligamentously joined to the neural prezygapophyses of the immediately posterior vertebra.[TAO]
neural postzygapophysis
neural postzygapophyses, processus obliquus posterior, neural postzygopophyses