Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

Reichert's cartilage

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A continuous cartilaginous formation in mesenchyme of the second pharyngeal arch in the embryo. The longer cranial or styloid segment is continuous with the otic capsule; its inferior end is angulated and is situated very close to the oropharynx. The smaller caudal segment is in contact with the body and greater horn of the hyoid cartilaginous structure [ https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-7580.2006.00524.x ]

Term info


Reichert's cartilage

  • Reichert cartilage
  • hyaloid cartilage
  • hyoid cartilage
  • second branchial arch cartilage
  • second pharyngeal arch cartilage
database cross reference


development notes

Classically defined as: a structure... develop the stapes, the styloid processes, the stylohyoid ligaments, and the lesser cornua of the hyoid bone; its proximal end gives rise to the stylohyoid ligament. Relationship to stapes disputed.

external ontology notes

in EHDAA2 this also develops from 3rd arch Mes from NC

