Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

metapodium region

Go to external page http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0009877

Intermediate segment of the autopod, between the mesopodial region and and acropodial region. Examples: metacarpal region, metatarsal region [ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 http://www.informatics.jax.org/searches/AMA.cgi?id=MA:th ]

Term info


metapodium region

  • metacarpal or metatarsal part of limb
  • metacarpus/metatarsus region
  • metapodial segment
database cross reference
editor note

considering adding 'acropodial region'

has narrow synonym

equine cannon region, cannon region

has related synonym

metapodium, metacarpus/metatarsus



terminology notes

Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group