Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

gland of ocular region

Go to external page http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0015152

A gland that is typically found in or near the orbital region, in or around either the medial or lateral canthi, and is typically associated with secretions onto the eyeball or associated ducts. Includes the Harderian, nictitans and lacrimal glands. [ http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/614 ]

Term info


gland of ocular region

  • ocular gland


has related synonym

orbital gland



taxon notes

the only orbital gland found in anuran amphibians is either the Harderian or the lacrimal; if it is a lacrimal, then a progressive lateral migration of the lacrimal glands must occur through the amniotes[PMID:7559104], the only orbital gland found in anuran amphibians is the Harderian[PMID:8843648]

Term relations

Equivalent to:

Subclass of: