All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
Abnormality of fluid regulation | HP_0011032 | [An abnormality of the regulation of body fluids.] |
Mania | HP_0100754 | [A state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and or energy levels.] |
Pancreatoblastoma | HP_0100757 | [A rare pediatric carcinoma of the pancreas.] |
Neoplasm of the pancreas | HP_0002894 | [A tumor (abnormal growth of tissue) of the pancreas.] |
Clubbing of fingers | HP_0100759 | [Terminal broadening of the fingers (distal phalanges of the fingers).] |
Abnormal fingertip morphology | HP_0001211 | [An abnormal structure of the tip (end) of a finger.] |
Clubbing | HP_0001217 | [Broadening of the soft tissues (non-edematous swelling of soft tissues) of the digital tips in all dimensions associated with an increased longitudinal and lateral curvature of the nails.] |
Gangrene | HP_0100758 | [A serious and potentially life-threatening condition that arises when a considerable mass of body tissue dies (necrosis).] |
Constitutional symptom | HP_0025142 | [A symptom or manifestation indicating a systemic or general effect of a disease and that may affect the general well-being or status of an individual.] |
feeding behavior | GO_0007631 | [Behavior associated with the intake of food.] |
Hypoplasia of the ear cartilage | HP_0100720 | |
Abnormality of the pinna | HP_0000377 | [An abnormality of the pinna, which is also referred to as the auricle or external ear.] |
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy | HP_0100721 | [Swelling of lymph nodes within the mediastinum, the central compartment of the thoracic cavities that contains the heart and the great vessels, the esophagus, and trachea and other structures including lymph nodes.] |
Abnormality of the mediastinum | HP_0045026 | |
Lymphadenopathy | HP_0002716 | [Enlargment (swelling) of a lymph node.] |
myocardium of anterior wall of left ventricle | UBERON_0036290 | |
left ventricle myocardium | UBERON_0006566 | [A myocardium that is part of a left ventricle of a heart.] |
Hypercoagulability | HP_0100724 | [An abnormality of coagulation associated with an increased risk of thrombosis.] |
Abnormality of coagulation | HP_0001928 | [An abnormality of the process of blood coagulation. That is, altered ability or inability of the blood to clot.] |
myocardium of anterior wall of right ventricle | UBERON_0036291 |