All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
Functional motor deficit | HP_0004302 | |
Memory impairment | HP_0002354 | [An impairment of memory as manifested by a reduced ability to remember things such as dates and names, and increased forgetfulness.] |
Cognitive impairment | HP_0100543 | [Abnormality in the process of thought including the ability to process information.] |
EEG abnormality | HP_0002353 | [Abnormality observed by electroencephalogram (EEG), which is used to record of the brain's spontaneous electrical activity from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp.] |
Abnormality of central nervous system electrophysiology | HP_0030178 | |
Writer's cramp | HP_0002356 | [A focal dystonia of the fingers, hand, and/or forearm that appears when the affected person attempts to do a task that requires fine motor movements such as writing or playing a musical instrument.] |
Focal dystonia | HP_0004373 | [A type of dystonia that is localized to a specific part of the body.] |
Difficulty walking | HP_0002355 | [Reduced ability to walk (ambulate).] |
Cerebellar cyst | HP_0002350 | |
Intracranial cystic lesion | HP_0010576 | [A cystic lesion originating within the brain.] |
Leukoencephalopathy | HP_0002352 | [This term describes abnormality of the white matter of the cerebrum resulting from damage to the myelin sheaths of nerve cells.] |
Abnormality of the cerebral white matter | HP_0002500 | [An abnormality of the cerebral white matter.] |
Hypoplasia of the brainstem | HP_0002365 | [Underdevelopment of the brainstem.] |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the brainstem | HP_0007362 | |
Visual hallucinations | HP_0002367 | |
Hallucinations | HP_0000738 | [Perceptions in a conscious and awake state in the absence of external stimuli which have qualities of real perception, in that they are vivid, substantial, and located in external objective space.] |
Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology | HP_0002366 | [Any structural anomaly of the lower motor neuron.] |
Abnormal peripheral nervous system morphology | HP_0000759 | [A structural abnormality of the peripheral nervous system, which is composed of the nerves that lead to or branch off from the central nervous system. This includes the cranial nerves (olfactory and optic nerves are technically part of the central nervous system).] |
Abnormal motor neuron morphology | HP_0002450 | [Any structural anomaly that affects the motor neuron.] |
Psychomotor deterioration | HP_0002361 | [Loss of previously present mental and motor abilities.] |