All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
glans penis | UBERON_0001299 | [the conic expansion of the corpus spongiosum that forms the head of the penis] |
internal urethral orifice | UBERON_0012242 | [the usually crescent-shaped opening of the urinary bladder into the urethra, placed at the anteroinferior angle (apex) of the urinary bladder trigone] |
bladder lumen | UBERON_0009958 | [A anatomical space that is enclosed by a urinary bladder.] |
cervical gland | UBERON_0012247 | [mucus-secreting glands in the mucosa of the uterine cervix] |
endometrial gland | UBERON_0002451 | [The mucous secreting gland associated with the mucuous membrane lining the uterus.] |
cervical mucosa | UBERON_0012248 | [Lining of the head of the uterus (cervix); contains large branched glands; does not undergo sloughing.] |
Hypotension | HP_0002615 | [Low Blood Pressure, vascular hypotension.] |
Abnormal systemic blood pressure | HP_0030972 | [A chronic deviation from normal pressure in the systemic arterial system.] |
endometrium | UBERON_0001295 | [the glandular mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the estrous/menstrual cycle and during pregnancy] |
Hepatic periportal necrosis | HP_0002614 | [A type of hepatic necrosis that is concentrated around the necrosis of hepatocytes localized around the intrahepatic branch of portal vein.] |
Aortic root aneurysm | HP_0002616 | [An abnormal localized widening (dilatation) of the aortic root.] |
obsolete Dissecting aortic dilatation | HP_0002622 | |
Abnormal venous morphology | HP_0002624 | [An anomaly of vein.] |
left hemisphere of cerebellum | UBERON_0014889 | [A cerebellar hemisphere that is in_the_left_side_of a cerebellum.] |
cerebellar hemisphere | UBERON_0002245 | [A paired regions of the cerebellum that lie outside and lateral to the central vermis[MP]. The cerebellum consists of three parts, a median and two lateral, which are continuous with each other, and are substantially the same in structure. The median portion is constricted, and is called the vermis, from its annulated appearance which it owes to the transverse ridges and furrows upon it; the lateral expanded portions are named the hemispheres. The lateral hemisphere is considered the portion of the cerebellum to develop most recently. [WP,unvetted].] |
cerebellum | UBERON_0002037 | [Part of the metencephalon that lies in the posterior cranial fossa behind the brain stem. It is concerned with the coordination of movement[MESH]. A large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum , and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe[BTO]. Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance[ZFA].] |
Overriding aorta | HP_0002623 | [An overriding aorta is a congenital heart defect where the aorta is positioned directly over a ventricular septal defect, instead of over the left ventricle. The result is that the aorta receives some blood from the right ventricle, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. It is one of the four conditions of the Tetralogy of Fallot. The aortic root can be displaced toward the front (anteriorly) or directly above the septal defect, but it is always abnormally located to the right of the root of the pulmonary artery. The degree of override is quite variable, with 5-95% of the valve being connected to the right ventricle.] |
transferrin receptor protein 1 (human) | PR_P02786 | [A transferrin receptor protein 1 that is encoded in the genome of human.] |
transferrin receptor protein 1 | PR_000001945 | [A protein that is a translation product of the human TFRC gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof.] |
TFRC (human) | gene_symbol_report | [A protein coding gene TFRC in human.] |