All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
anatomical surface region | UBERON_0036215 | [Material anatomical entity that forms the outermost boundary of an anatomical structure.] |
coelomic fluid | UBERON_0036217 | [A bodily fluid that is located in the coelom.] |
coelom | UBERON_0011997 | [The aggregate of the coelemic cavity lumen plus the membranes that line the lumen.] |
Cortical dysplasia | HP_0002539 | [The presence of developmental dysplasia of the cerebral cortex.] |
Patchy demyelination of subcortical white matter | HP_0002545 | [Patchy loss of myelin from nerve fibers in the central nervous system.] |
CNS demyelination | HP_0007305 | [A loss of myelin from nerve fibers in the central nervous system.] |
Retrocollis | HP_0002544 | [A form of torticollis in which the head is drawn back, either due to a permanent contractures of neck extensor muscles, or to a spasmodic contracture.] |
Torticollis | HP_0000473 | [Involuntary contractions of the neck musculature resulting in an abnormal posture of or abnormal movements of the head.] |
Incomprehensible speech | HP_0002546 | |
Inability to walk | HP_0002540 | [Incapability to ambulate.] |
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy | HP_0002542 | [Neuronal degeneration in the cerebellum, pontine nuclei, and inferior olivary nucleus.] |
Abnormal cerebellum morphology | HP_0001317 | [Any structural abnormality of the cerebellum.] |
endometrium glandular epithelium | UBERON_0012276 | |
glandular columnar epithelium | UBERON_0006929 | [Simple columnar epithelium that constitutes the secretory part of a gland. Examples: epithelium of stomach, luminal epithelium of lactiferous duct.[FMA]] |
endometrium epithelium | UBERON_0004811 | [An epithelium that is part of an endometrium [Automatically generated definition].] |
ciliated columnar oviduct epithelium | UBERON_0007589 | [A ciliated columnar epithelium that is part of a oviduct.] |
corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts | UBERON_0036224 | [The corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts combined.] |
axon tract | UBERON_0001018 | [A group of axons linking two or more neuropils and having a common origin, termination[FBbt].] |
white matter | UBERON_0002316 | [Neural tissue consisting of myelinated axons connecting grey matter areas of the central nervous system.] |
respiratory system gland | UBERON_0036225 | [Any gland that is part os the respiratory system.] |