All properties in ICDO
Label | Id | Description |
directly negatively regulates quantity of | RO_0011010 | [The entity A has an activity that directly negatively regulates the quantity of B.] |
directly positively regulated by | RO_0002024 | [Process(P2) is directly postively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 is directly postively regulated by P1.] |
directly positively regulates | RO_0002629 | [Process(P1) directly postively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly positively regulates P2.] |
directly positively regulates activity of | RO_0002450 | [The entity A, immediately upstream of the entity B, has an activity that positively regulates an activity performed by B. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A positively regulates the kinase activity of B.] |
directly positively regulates quantity of | RO_0011009 | [The entity A has an activity that directly positively regulates the quantity of B.] |
directly provides input for | RO_0002413 | [p1 directly provides input for p2 iff there exists some c such that p1 has_output c and p2 has_input c] |
directly regulated by | RO_0002022 | |
directly regulates | RO_0002578 | [Process(P1) directly regulates process(P2) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2.] |
directly regulates activity of | RO_0002448 | [The entity A, immediately upstream of the entity B, has an activity that regulates an activity performed by B. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A regulates the kinase activity of B. A and B can be physically interacting but not necessarily. Immediately upstream means there are no intermediate entity between A and B.] |
directly regulates quantity of | RO_0011021 | [The entity A, immediately upstream of B, has an activity that directly regulates the quantity of B.] |
disease arises from structure | RO_0004030 | [A relationship between a disease and an anatomical structure where the material basis of the disease is some pathological change in the structure.] |
disease causes disruption of | RO_0004024 | [A relationship between a disease and a process where the disease process disrupts the execution of the process.] |
disease causes dysfunction of | RO_0004025 | |
disease has basis in | RO_0004019 | |
disease has basis in disruption of | RO_0004021 | [A relation that holds between the disease and a process where the physical basis of the disease disrupts execution of a key biological process.] |
disease has basis in dysfunction of | RO_0004020 | [A relation that holds between the disease and a material entity where the physical basis of the disease is a disorder of that material entity that affects its function.] |
disease has basis in feature | RO_0004022 | [A relation that holds between the disease and a feature (a phenotype or other disease) where the physical basis of the disease is the feature.] |
disease relationship | RO_0040035 | [This relation groups relations between diseases and any other kind of entity.] |
disposition of | RO_0000092 | [inverse of has disposition] |
drains | RO_0002179 | [Relation between an collecting structure and another structure, where the collecting structure acts as a conduit channeling fluid, substance or energy away from the other structure.] |