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- Anileridine:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord
- Anemia management panel:-:Pt:^Patient:-:ESRD
- CHIP Medicaid
- Discharge diagnosis
- Heart rate:NRat:10H^min:XXX:Qn
- Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 IgG
- Yohimbine
- Pradofloxacin
- Ilheus virus Ab.IgM:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:IA
- JWH-122 5-hydroxypentyl cutoff:MCnc:Pt:Urine:Qn:Confirm
- Ethacrynate | Serum or Plasma | Drug toxicology
- C peptide^15M post dose glucose:MCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn
- Was blood drawn:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:PhenX
- Hemoglobin.gastrointestinal^7th specimen
- Dextromethamphetamine | Urine | Drug toxicology
- Cylinder:InvLen:Pt:Eye.right:Qn:Autorefractor.sciascopy
- SLC25A4 gene targeted mutation analysis | Blood or Tissue | Mutations
- RMRP gene targeted mutation analysis
- Amitriptyline+Nortriptyline:PrThr:Pt:Ser/Plas:Ord
- Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype | XXX | Microbiology
- Mesothelial cells/leukocytes | Pleural fluid | Hematology and Cell counts
- Knee | portable X-ray | Radiology
- Mercury:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord
- Physical abuse^pre 18Yo:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:ACE
- Vein Right | Radio fluoroscopy angiography | Radiology
- Acinetobacter haemolyticus
- Porcine circovirus type 2 Ag
- Fasted - not eaten anything at all for at least 24 hours - often in last 3 months in order to avoid gaining weight
- Phorate:MCnc:Pt:Urine:Qn
- B. burgdorferi 23kD IgG EIA Ql (S)
- Aichivirus C RNA | XXX | Microbiology
- Nuclear Ab pattern.homogeneous:Titr:Pt:CSF:Qn:IF
- Calcium carbonate/Total:MFr:Pt:Calculus:Qn
- Tc-99m HMPAO
- Guidance for placement of tube:Find:Pt:Abdomen>Liver:Doc:RF
- Microscopic observation:Prid:Pt:Respiratory.upper:Nom:Acid fast stain
- Legionella pneumophila DNA
- Fractional excretion of sodium | Urine and Serum or Plasma | Chemistry - non-challenge
- PhenX - respiratory - exercise capacity - 6M walk test protocol 090601:-:Pt:^Patient:-:PhenX
- Birth plan:Find:Pt:^Patient:Nar
- post therapeutic diet
- post 2.5 mg/mL methacholine
- Soy protein intake
- Orbit and Face and Neck | Magnetic resonance | Radiology
- Views^W contrast IA:Find:Pt:Abdomen>Renal artery.bilateral:Doc:RF.angio
- D- and L-2-hydroxyglutarate pattern | Serum or Plasma | Chemistry - non-challenge
- Rosuvastatin induced platelet IgG
- How often did you eat Mexican foods such as tacos, tostados, burritos, tamales, fajitas, enchiladas, quesadillas, or chimichangas in the past 30 days
- PROMIS parent proxy mobility - version 2.0 T-score
- Lower extremity vessel - left